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About Us

The Cohort Project is a non-profit organization that works to support the local church in its universal mission to equip the saints for the glory of God and the advance of the gospel through intentional relationships and personalized resources. We believe that by building these relationships with pastors we can help equip the saints to do the work of the ministry and make a lasting impact on the Church and, in turn, the world.

"Do not go where it is all fine music, grand talk and beautiful architecture. Go where the gospel is preached. And go often."

C.H. Spurgeon

Our Mission

Our Mission

The Cohort Project exists to assist the local church in its universal mission to equip the saints and advance the gospel, to the glory of God.

Book End and Lamp
Psalm 62 Text

Our Vision

TCP's vision is to see the local church functioning in more biblically faithful way. We want to see healthy pastors and healthy churches as a fruit of the gospel ministry we are engaged in.

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