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Our Cohort Team

Our team is made up of:

Fellows - The men we send to churches to teach and be a main support to the pastors and elders.

Residents - The men that are learning and teaching alongside our fellows to become fellows.

Associates - The people that we endorse to go and aid with ministries in the churches we are partnered with.

About the Fellows

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Noah Burnett

Noah Burnett owns and operates a coffee roasting business, Lux Coffee Company, and is the founder of Stumbling Saints. Noah grew up in Sedalia, MO and moved to Northern Wisconsin after high school for an internship at a church. He has been a worship leader and a youth pastor for the past few years and has grown to love theology and church history through those experiences.


Noah is married to his wife Nicole and they have two children, Marietta (3) & Augustan (.5). They have two dogs, Baby & Bear, and love to watch movies and spend time with their friends. 


Jodie W. Ryan

Jodie grew up attending church with his mom and grandparents on Sundays, but it wasn't until 2010, at the age of 30, that Jesus miraculously saved him.


The majority of his vocational experience has been in public service where he's had the opportunity to write, produce and speak.


Jodie has served in various ministry roles including small group leader and coach, men's ministry leader, and children's ministry volunteer. 


Husband, father, and dad joke aficionado - Jodie's favorite Christian authors include John Piper, J.I. Packer, and C.S. Lewis. His hobbies include jogging with his wife and sampling pie. 


Christian Stradley

Christian was a nominal “Christian” from birth to age 19, but by God’s grace, while attending Bible School, the Word pierced his heart and the seeds that were previously planted, took root and produced real salvation and heart change. 


Since that point, Christian has had the opportunity to serve as an interim preaching pastor, an intern pastor, and an associate pastor. 


He is passionate about teaching rightly the Word of God and therefore, he has led, and still leads several Bible Studies, one-on-one discipleships, and preaches when the Lord opens the door. 


In his free time, Christian likes to talk to people, drink coffee, and read good books. Some of his favorite authors are the Puritans, Andrew Murray, and John Piper. 


The Cohort Project

We do not charge our partner churches for any of the ministry we do with them, we are 100% donor funded. Thank you!


Phone: 660-596-5074

Registered 501(c)3: 92-1121724

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